From Matter to Spirit: Art as Transmutation

Transmutation 26 x 41cm
Transmutation 26 x 41cm

The creative journey is a process of transmutation: from matter to spirit, from intuition to connection with the deep self. Art is not only creation, but transformation. It is a journey that starts from raw matter and rises towards the world of spirit, where intuition and inspiration guide the creative process. Spirit is the force that fuels this process and allows us to discover new creative horizons.

The Creative Process: From Matter to Spirit, from Intuition to Form

My painting Transmutation embodies this path, inviting the observer to discover their latent potentials. Made with fabric collage and oil and acrylic paint, it was born without an initial plan: I simply followed the flow of the creative process. It belongs to the Collage and Painting series, my second series since I started painting. I have very few photos of the first series, because they were paintings created in Brazil, made exclusively with fabric collage and objects, where the scissors were my brush. That series remained almost entirely in Brazil, sold or given away.

This painting is a hymn to the spirit, representing the connection between the material and the divine, a step towards understanding our deepest essence.

In the second series, Collage and Painting, I began to integrate oil or acrylic paint into collage. Between the two types of paint, I prefer oil colors that are diluted with water, because acrylics dry too quickly and leave little room for elaboration. I like to work slowly and let the creative process take its course, allowing the forms to manifest themselves without too much rational control.

Overcoming the obstacles of the mind

In the creative process, the spirit guides our hands and our heart, taking us beyond the boundaries of rationality.

The mind, in fact, is often the greatest obstacle to the flow of creativity. This concept is also the core of my workshops and courses. Many people come to my courses saying things like: “I can’t draw” or “I have no talent.” These are obstacles that the mind puts up for fear of losing control. But in the creative process, the rational mind has little to do: here we are in the realm of intuition, the unconscious, instinct, inspiration. In addition to teaching a bit of technique, useful for becoming familiar with the tools, I propose exercises that elude the mind. People are always amazed by the results, because they create authentic and spontaneous works.

Of course, this approach does not fit with hyper-realistic and highly detailed works. But, as Picasso said: “At twelve I painted like Raphael, but it took me a lifetime to learn to paint like a child.” Children’s drawings often strike us as masterpieces of contemporary art, because they are spontaneous and authentic.

Through art, we can connect with the spirit, rediscovering parts of ourselves that were forgotten.

Another famous quote by Picasso is: “I do not evolve. I am.”

In this sense, art is a form of natural spirituality, as Bob Marley sang in Natural Mystic, without the need to resort to external substances. Through art, one finds oneself.

Transmutation: A Journey Towards Cosmic Connection

Every brushstroke, every shape, reflects not only our inner journey but also our search for our inner master. Discovering your creative spirit is essential to transforming not only the canvas, but also your life. Discovering your deepest self through art is a journey of personal growth and authenticity. My workshops are designed to help you connect with your inner self and unleash your creative potential.

About this painting, as with most of my non-realistic works, I interpret it only after I have created it. Every viewer can see something different, and often, during exhibitions, people share with me personal interpretations that open new perspectives on my work.

In this case, the emerging shapes are predominantly geometric. In the lower part, a strong heat is perceived, while the upper part is light and fresh. In the center, an egg-shaped portal opens towards the cosmos, from which a flower sprouts. The egg or germinating seed is a recurring theme in the series, a symbol of potentials that manifest themselves. The triangle with the circle, born spontaneously, represents for me a stylized and abstract human figure. Although geometric shapes have many interpretations, I prefer not to rationalize them too much, leaving them open to the intuition of the observer.

In the painting, bubbles of potentials float, and the transition of colors from deep red to light blue represents transmutation. This transformation occurs through a connection with the cosmos, which is not necessarily the physical one, but a metaphor for the intangible reality or the deepest part of ourselves.

Each work is a reflection of the spirit and magic we can create when we let go.

This painting speaks of openings of consciousness towards something greater, taking us on an inner journey of growth and transformation. Each brush stroke is a fragment of our journey, each shape and color a reflection of the cosmos that dwells within us. Transmuting is living, connected to our deepest essence.

Have you ever let yourself be guided by the creative flow without interfering with rationality? What personal transformations have arisen from it? Let yourself be guided by your intuition and discover what emerges when you put rationality aside. Art can transform not only a canvas, but also your way of seeing the world.

Find out more about my workshops and my online shop

If you too want to explore your creative potential and discover the magic of artistic spontaneity, discover my intuitive art workshops or visit my online shop for more works like this.

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Unique painting, 26 x 60 cm, part of the Collage and Painting series. A symbolic and geometric work that represents the inner transmutation, made with fabric collage and acrylic paint. Signed on the back, certificate of authenticity included, with free shipping. Perfect for those looking for a work that combines depth and harmony.

SKU: Trasmutazione
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From Matter to Spirit. Art as Transmutation.
Transmutation on the wall

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