The Brand history of Ilaria Berenice : A Journey of Light and Consciousness

Brand history. The meaning of gold.


An explosion of gold among infinite aspects of humanity, represented by hundreds of faces, each with its own expression and personality to represent the brand history of Ilaria Berenice.

Everyone Has Gold Inside and the Meaning of Gold

Brand history. Everyone has gold inside

The color gold, or sometimes a simple bright yellow, present in both my logo and in the work Everyone has gold inside, represents a central theme of my brand history: the inner light and consciousness. This golden sun, often present in my paintings, symbolizes the potential and inner beauty that we all possess. It is my way of communicating that each person has a “gold” inside them, a luminous and unique strength.

In my brand history, gold is not just a color: it is the symbol of light and consciousness. Even my logo, made in golden yellow, recalls this essence. In many of my paintings, such as Everyone has gold inside, I represent a large sun, a source of light that radiates outwards, a symbol of the inner consciousness that shines in each of us. I believe that every person has a precious and luminous core, just like gold or the sun, and through my art I try to bring this inner strength to light.

independent artist

The Evolution of the Independent Artist

The art world is not easy and full of traps, that’s why I chose to be an independent artist, telling my stories and creating my shop. Drawing on my inspirations, my intuition and my instinct, I share my stories through painting, poetry and articles in my blog, telling my brand history,

I have followed many paths in my life, often tortuous, but in the end I always return to my need to express myself through art. What is art, if not the manifestation of creative expression, of the authentic and sincere self, the magic of living in the moment, life itself?

My brand history as an artist is not linear: intense experiences in different countries, such as Spain and Brazil, have taught me a lot about resilience and openness to the new. It has been a path punctuated by difficulties – such as the choice to leave my job as an office worker or, more recently, that of a cook to dedicate myself to what I love – and triumphs, such as the beginning of an international artistic career.

Sharing these steps, challenges and lessons allows me to connect with you, my audience, telling you not only about my works but also the journey and motivations behind my art. My evolution explores themes of solitude, freedom and transformation with authenticity and passion. Not only the visible beauty, but also the journey towards inner awareness and the discovery of one’s value.

Ilaria and Berenice: The Essence of the Brand

Ilaria is the name I received from my biological family, inspired by my great-grandfather, a great painter in Umbria, Italy, who gave me the first inputs of painting during childhood. Berenice, on the other hand, is my soul, the deepest part of me, my inner teacher who reveals herself while I paint and in every creative expression. It is a connection born a long time ago in Egypt, and perhaps even before, when creation began.

My brand, Ilaria Berenice, is therefore a combination of the human part – connected to practicality and family history – and a deeper and divine dimension, which represents inspiration, imagination and intuition. This is the essence that I try to manifest in reality through art.

Berenice reminds me to never go back to an office job. She reminds me that true success for me is spending my time doing what I love. Berenice is more than a name: she is my talisman, my mascot, and my lucky charm.

Everyone has their own Berenice, with a different name, a different way of connecting, everyone has their own inner master. And you, have you found your name?

If you too feel the call of your inner Berenice, follow me on my artistic journey. Subscribe to my newsletter to explore new worlds of creativity and authenticity together.

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