Submarine or Spaceship? Navigating the Infinity of Consciousness

Pink Submarine 115x44cm

When we think of art, we often think of a silent gallery with paintings hanging on the walls. But art is much more: it is an invitation to reflect not only on the world around us but also on ourselves, pushing us to explore unknown territories of our soul.

A work of art can evoke deep emotions, make us confront our fears, dreams and desires. Artistic works can arouse in us a series of sensations that lead us to explore our emotional landscape. An artist that we meet in a small gallery can reveal deep truths through his works, whose story becomes part of ours.

My art is totally influenced by my experiences, my perception of reality and my ever-changing and evolving interiority.

So it’s a bit like a journey: there are those who organize everything down to the smallest detail and those who, like me, find themselves sailing into infinity… with a pink submarine that explodes fireworks in space.

But who said that exploring the infinity of one’s own consciousness has to be boring?

Recently, I picked up this painting from the Collage and Painting series, a work that evolves with me. The main shape is that of a submarine, but it does not sail through deep waters. Instead, it moves in a starry universe, surrounded by flowers and fireworks. The pink of the submarine shines in contrast with the dark blue of the cosmos, and the small illuminated windows evoke a sense of mystery and introspection.

Art as a Mirror of the Interior

This cosmic ship is a metaphor: aren’t we all like submarines sailing in the infinity of our own consciousness? Each illuminated window represents a different part of ourselves, a room of our being, each with its own unique glow. The ship, in its entirety, is the sum of all these aspects that integrate and form our individuality.

Through this work, I reflect on how my art is deeply influenced by my life experiences and my ever-evolving inner journey. Like a submarine exploring the depths, I dive into my inner world, discovering unknown landscapes and parts of myself that are still unexplored. Every brushstroke, every shape and every color tells a story, not only of the external world but also of my emotional landscape.

Each little window on this pink submarine might seem like a little enigma. In reality, each window represents a part of ourselves, a small room of our individuality with its light on, inviting us to take a look.

Art as Exploration: With or Without a Compass

My submarine, or spaceship, or whatever it is, has no precise course. Just like in life! Aren’t we all ships, drifting in the vast ocean of our souls? And when I say drift, I mean that we often forget the map at home. But that’s okay! Every lit window on this ship is a reminder that even though we sometimes feel lost, there is always a light on, a part of us that knows where to go.

Questa introspezione è fondamentale per la crescita personale, sia per l’artista che per per lo spettatore. Attraverso l’arte, possiamo scoprire lati di noi stessi che non conoscevamo e intraprendere viaggi interiori altrettanto significativi quanto quelli fisici. Non si tratta solo di viaggiare verso nuovi luoghi, ma anche di addentrarsi nei meandri della nostra anima.

Every painting evolves with me. As I change, my art also transforms, adapts, expands. This painting is a reflection on the connection between the human being and the cosmos, between the self and the infinite, and represents a journey that is not only physical, but above all interior.

A Journey That Never Ends

The beauty of art lies in its power to connect people and bring them closer, making everyone feel part of something bigger. Looking at a work of art is like taking a journey together, a journey that never ends. It can reveal deep truths and awaken forgotten passions in us or represent parts of our consciousness waiting to be explored, and every interaction with art enriches us with new perspectives.

Through art, we discover new sides of ourselves. It is not just a journey to new physical places, but a journey into the depths of our soul.

These encounters can inspire new perspectives, reawaken dormant passions, and push us to further explore our creativity. Each interaction becomes a piece in our personal narrative, enriching our lives with new experiences.

When I start painting, it’s like I’m setting sail for a new adventure every time, discovering new perspectives, new emotions.

The beauty of art is that you never know where it will take you. And honestly, who needs a specific destination when you can sail through space in a pink submarine?

Bottom Line: Come Aboard, It’s Free!

So if you are looking for a work of art that will make you think, but also make you smile, I invite you to come aboard this spaceship/submarine/interstellar vessel that is my art. You don’t need a ticket or a passport, just the desire to explore. And maybe, who knows, as you look through one of the submarine’s windows, you will discover something new about yourself.

And now, a little secret to share: even though this inner journey is free, the pink submarine is not! If this painting made you smile or touched you in some way, know that you can take home your own personal “soul spaceship” from my online shop. Shipping is free.

So, what are you waiting for? Go and take a look in my shop and maybe you will find your very own illuminated window ready to take you on a journey.

Pink Submarine

$1 384.12

Pink Submarine is a 115×44 cm painting depicting a pink submarine sailing among flowers and fireworks in a starry universe. An evocative work that combines surreal and metaphorical elements, evoking an inner journey through the depths of consciousness. Original work, unique piece. Size 115 x 44 x 1 cm. With 3 cm thick wooden frame. Mixed media of fabric collage and acrylic. Ready to hang, signed on the back and with certificate of authenticity. Free shipping. Shipped in a crate.

SKU: Sottomarino Rosa
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